
Monday 9 July 2012

hey all,
 hows it going ? my days are passing by in a mad rush. really want to slow down and take a breather before school begins in august. enough bout me.. The readers' Avenue is meeting up again , at "frere hall" on saturday (karachi)
14th july 5pm to 6pm.
 Books that will be discussed are "Dracula" by Bram stoker and Book Thief.
Join us as we discuss the books and everythin else beyond as always, the conversation flows so easily and just so so far..
 Feel free to bring your friends or family as its an outdoor event and we most probably will be having a picnic in the park enjoying the outdoors.
Happy Reading..

Friday 22 June 2012

Thoughts on a friday evening

hey all,
  sharing a few of Rumi's quatrains that i really like.

 Quatrain #82 (circa 1250 A.D.)
Today, like every other day, we wake up empty
and frightened. Don't open the door to the study
and begin reading. Take down a musical instrument.

Let the beauty we love be what we do.
There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the earth.

Quatrain #1246
The minute I heard my first love story
I began searching for you, not knowing
how foolish that was.

True lovers are not out there somewhere,
but in each other all along.

Rubaiyat #178a
In your light I learn how to love.
In your beauty, how to make poems.

You dance inside my chest,
where no one sees you,

but sometimes I do,
and that sight becomes this art.

Have a nice weekend.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Books for June - july 2012

The readers avenue will be reading two books this can always read just one...two is a bonus..Joy
Books are
1: Dracula by Bram stoker
2:The book thief.

we shall meet to discuss books first week July or a week before Ramadan hurry up grab your copies and start reading ! Enjoy

Monday 18 June 2012

Readers Avenue meetup 16 th june 2012

 A general discussion of the readers avenue members was held at T2F cafe also known as peace niche in clifton. Since it was a broad discussion readers discussed the books they've read previously.

some of the titles discussion were ;

The Firm by John Grisham
The best of me by Nicholas Sparks
Folk tales From india
Alice in wonderland

 The whole idea to get together and discuss a book is to get different angles on the same subject and its amazing how our perceptions differ from each other...
 To join this book club or be a participant at the upcoming meet ups send your email to

Monday 11 June 2012

What to expect at the Readers Avenue meetup

A book club is a reading group--usually consisting of a number of readers who read and talk about books based on a topic or an agreed-upon reading list. Formal book clubs meet on a regular basis at a set location (or the book club members may meet in different locations every time).

Since there hasnt been any books clubs i myself knew about so i made my own. Its an opportunity to meet friends , old and new , have live discussions we would otherwise have on facebook or twitter. A more interactive session on exchanging ideas.
During the meeting there are no rules , except to listen and respect the other person's opinion. TRA is a broad minded paltform amd we do not descri,inate been ages, gender or religeon .
Readers Avenue welcomes readers, poets, journalists or simply opinionated speakers to come express their views about books , articles and things that matter!
A meeting is held once a month an a choosen date and venue .the book club is nothing without its members thus we believe in The more the merrier.
Happy reading

Thursday 7 June 2012

General Discussion session with The Readers Avenue

We are holding a general discussion session with you all where you may feel free to discuss and share your thoughts on any title of your choice. So, join us on Saturday, 16th June 2012, 5:00 pm at T2F Cafe. Happy Reading! The Readers Avenue

June update

Readers avenue , a karachi based book club founded in 2010 is an active bookclub With a page on facebook and now blogger. Stay tuned for news and updates regarding book titles and meetings. In june 2012 we are reading children's classics or any titles our readers may choose. A discussion will be Held last week of june at T2F cafe (karachi) For more details send your email to